Mental Health

This is an alternative to your traditional clinical setting or psychologist. Many of my clients have tried the traditional clinical setting before with no significant improvements or have gotten to a great point of understanding of their issues but have not really been given a clear path of action to move forward and get past them. Instead of giving up, they tried something different, and it paid off.

I incorporate talk, somatic body work community and practical take-home exercises because I understand to create true systemic change within a person’s life, you need more than just that one hour here and there.

1:1 Mental Health Coaching

Walking now seems like the easiest thing in the world to do, but once upon a time, you stumbled and struggled while you figured it out. There is no shame in life’s curve balls causing you to feel mental health struggles; It's just a new challenge. If you want some support in navigating that challenge, then coaching with me may be for you.

Helping you peel back to the core of the issue, understand its origins but also give you practical tools and exercises to overcome it.  

Join The Revolution

My sulotion to everything that is wrong with the world at a price anyone can afford!




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